Month: April 2024

The Boy in the Submarine – Episode 7: Tiger SharksThe Boy in the Submarine – Episode 7: Tiger Sharks

Whith Apex predators, we don’t understand just how important they are… Owen Tiger sharks like warm and temperate waters. They particularly like coral reefs and kelp forests. Called “the garbage [...]

The Boy in the Submarine – episode 6: The Giant Pacific OctopusThe Boy in the Submarine – episode 6: The Giant Pacific Octopus

The Giant Pacific Octopus is the smartest of all the cephalopods, it is great at solving problems! Owen Today we are talking about the Giant Pacific Octopus: a creature as [...]

The Boy in the Submarine – episode 4: TardigradesThe Boy in the Submarine – episode 4: Tardigrades

Tardigrades are a microscopic animal: one of the world's smallest predators, they hunt for germs! But the really cool thing about Tardigrades is that they are nearly indestructible and live [...]